Los Angeles Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Los Angeles Chapter — CAMFT
Valerie "Billie" Klayman, LMFT Chief Financial Officer
What You Need to Know as a Member To Update Your Profile Information, Renew Your Membership or Change Your Email Address
I'm writing to help all of you who are current or recent members of the LA-CAMFT chapter.
Did you know that members can edit their own profiles, including contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers? As a member, you can easily update your profile information on the LA-CAMFT Website* or with the LA-CAMFT Wild Apricot Mobile App.
Sometimes when members try to renew their lapsed or current memberships, they think they have to create a new profile. You don’t! When you get the notifications that alert you to renew your membership, you must use the email you originally used to join. If you want to change your email address, do so after you renew your membership.
If you renew with a different email address it will create a second membership and account and you will continue to receive email notices about renewing your membership.
To update your profile do so by clicking on Membership on our website menu and then clicking Login/Profile.
We at the LA-CAMFT Chapter value all of you, member or not, as part of our compassionate community.
Please don't hesitate to contact me at cfo@lacamft.org if you have any problems, need help, or want to send a check to our PO Box in lieu of using a credit card to pay for membership. Although all the board and committee members of LA-CAMFT are volunteers, we do our best to respond to emails in a timely manner, and we will continue that tradition. Our Webmaster is also very attentive to IT issues and usually responds promptly when Web or IT issues have to be resolved.
I hope this answers any questions or concerns regarding becoming a member or renewing your membership. I look forward to seeing you at our next event.
Please see below for step-by-step instructions for logging in as a member, renewing your membership, or for changing your profile information.
*On the LA-CAMFT website, members can change or update profile information by:
*To be recognized by the website as an LA-CAMFT member to renew your membership you must first login with the email address you used to join LA-CAMFT. This is your member email address.
Valerie "Billie" Klayman, M.A., LMFT, an integrative Meaning Centered Therapist, became a supervisor at Antioch University Counseling Center in 2014. Billie initiated a partnership between AUCC and the Culver City Senior Center offering pro-bono therapy and group therapy to members of CCSC. December 2016, Culver City hired Billie to help residents of the community at the Culver City Senior Center. She’s presented on Substance Abuse and Addiction. Billie can be reached at cfo@lacamft.org.
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