Los Angeles Chapter  California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

Los Angeles Chapter — CAMFT

Guest Article

10/31/2022 5:00 PM | Anonymous

Chellie Campbell,
Financial Stress
Reduction Expert

See You at the Top of the Hill!

You can’t make money if you don’t think you deserve it. How you think about your life motivates your actions. If you think you’re a loser and not good enough, that other people are better, smarter, more good-looking than you, you will defer to others and let them have the winner’s spot instead of you. Automatically, without thinking about it.

Donna called me the day after class. Intelligent and warm, she sold advertising for a small publication and wanted to increase her sales and income. I wondered why she seemed a bit anxious that first night of the workshop as each participant introduced themselves. Now on the phone, she explained.

“Last night, listening to the other people talk about their goals, I didn’t feel I belonged in the group. I felt their goals were so much higher than mine; that they were smarter, better, more experienced—more whatever—than me.

“But I had a realization as I walked down the hill to my car. When I arrived for your class, I had parked at the bottom of the hill, thinking that others would have gotten there first and taken all the convenient parking spaces. But I was the first to arrive! Why did I assume that others would be there before me? Why did I park at the bottom and walk up that steep hill without even trying to see if I could park at the top?

“I saw that this was a metaphor of how I have been living my life. I have assumed that others will take the top spots, so I automatically settle for the inconvenient place, the lesser place—and lesser income, too. But now that I’ve seen it, I’m going to stop it. I will find my space at the top of the hill from now on.”

Do you park at the bottom of hills? Do you take a back seat, let others do the talking, let others get the clients, the sales, the promotions, and the cash? Who told you to do that? Who told you that you had to go last?

The little child inside us needs nurturing and support as much as the little child in our arms. We don’t encourage others to shine when we hide our own light. Let us strive to be the best we can be, and empower others to do the same.

Let us all look for the top of the hill. And if today, you don’t get the premium space, oh well—there’s another day tomorrow. We can fail sometimes and be last sometimes. But we don’t have to settle for last as our default position. At least drive up the hill and look around. You may find you’re the first one up there after all.

You have to focus on positive thoughts in order to have positive outcomes. The first positive is you.

You are the only you on the planet and there are people out there just praying for you to show up.

They want what you have to give and will pay you richly for it. But you have to reach out and ask. To do that, you need confidence in your self-worth, which is what produces your net-worth. You are worthy, worthwhile, and worth it! You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t.

You can do anything you want. Fill your mind with positive statements, repeat them out loud, listen to encouraging audio tapes, read enlightening books. Stop watching violence on the news and serial killer movies. Do whatever it takes to change your thinking and believe in yourself. You deserve the best!

Zillionaires don’t live at the bottom of the hill. They live at the top. They drive automatically to the top. The top is all they see, all they are conscious of, all that they focus on. To be a Zillionaire, start looking for the top.

See you at the top of the hill!

Chellie Campbell, Financial Stress Reduction Expert, is the author of bestselling books The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and most recently From Worry to Wealthy: A Woman’s Guide to Financial Success Without the Stress. She is widely quoted in major media including Redbook, Good Housekeeping and more than 50 popular books. She has been treating Money Disorders like Spending Bulimia and Income Anorexia in her Financial Stress Reduction® Workshops for over 25 years. Her website is www.chellie.com.

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