Los Angeles Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Voices — March 2023
Leila Aboohamad, LMFT
Life Scripts: What Are They and How Do They Influence Our Lives?
The first time I heard the term “Life Scripts,” I was in my Master’s program in Marriage and Family Therapy. At that time in the ‘80s, Transactional Analysis was one of the foremost therapeutic models being taught in graduate schools. It was and is a great tool in understanding our roles and rules in our Family of Origin system. According to Eric Berne, the Canadian-born psychiatrist, who created the theory of Transactional Analysis as a method of explaining human behavior: “A Script is a life plan based on decisions made at any developmental stage, which inhibit spontaneity and limit flexibility in problem solving.”
Our Life Script is being written from the moment we are born as we unconsciously respond to the messages from our parents about ourselves, others and the world. It is how we interpret these messages that creates the blueprint for our lives. And each child in the family will interpret those messages differently. One child may be a disciplined individual, a self-starter eager to succeed in any chosen endeavor, while another may be terrified of using her many talents because she interpreted her parents’ emphasis on the importance of education as an indictment of her tremendous gifts as a dancer, singer, artist and decorator. She would often say, “What I am good at is not OK with mom and dad. I was never great at school but boy when I entertained others, I was so happy and so were my audiences.”
Every movie, TV show, play and news report has a written script, which contains the plot, the subject matter, the philosophy of the writer, the main characters, the supporting players, etc. No matter how good the actors, news anchors, reporters, producers and directors are, if you don’t have a good script as a foundation, the project will be a failure. That’s how the “script doctor” came into being in Hollywood. That’s why book and article writers have editors who are skilled in helping the writer develop a story which successfully conveys what the writer wishes to express.
So why does knowing about the importance of having a positive, supportive, loving Life Script so necessary in a client’s healing and growth? Why is it imperative that clients know that they are living the script which they wrote all through their childhood and adolescence? Because their script is the blueprint, a map for their lives. As I said above, a bad, poorly written script will never produce an excellent book, TV sitcom or Broadway play.
So, it is with our real Life Scripts. Imagine growing up in a family with loving, supportive parents who listen to their children, watch what interests them and know where their talents lie. These parents are writing a Life Script grounded in love, optimism, encouragement and the type of guidance children need to succeed in their endeavors. Unfortunately, most of my clients have Life Scripts filled with so many negative messages that they end up in my office in pain from the disappointments and hurts in their lives.
Most clients are amazed that they are making choices in their lives from the Life Scripts which they unconsciously created. They just know they are hurting and want to feel better. If I want to help my clients, I must discover the causes for their pain. And one of the best tools for that is the Life Script. I must gather as much information as possible about their very early years in their family of origin.
The Life Script Questionnaire that I use is a great tool as it asks 72 very basic questions like “Describe your father/mother as you felt as a child.” “What did your father/mother want you to be?’ “How did your mother/father compliment/criticize you?” “What was your father’s/mother’s main advice to you?” “What did you decide about life when you were little?” “What happens to people like you?” “What do you like/dislike about yourself?”
These are such basic questions that must be answered in order to know who we are now, because we are shaped and molded by those early years when, like sponges, we soaked up the atmosphere, the words, the actions, the philosophy, the successes and failures of the family in which we grew up. Our understanding of those early years is the key to unlocking the door to an entirely new life anchored in optimism, mental and emotional strength and unexpected areas of creativity where one’s talent will shine and inspire all with whom we come into contact. It’s a great journey. Do you want to jump on board?
LA-CAMFT Diversity Committee Presents:
Therapists of Color Support Group
Second Sunday of Every Month
Via Zoom
A safe place to receive peer support and process experiences of racism (systemic, social, and internalized), discrimination, implicit bias, racist injury, aggression, and micro-aggressions, along with additional experiences that therapists of color encounter in the field of mental health.
Open to LA-CAMFT Members and Non-Members Second Sunday of Each Month Location: Zoom Meeting
For more information, contact the LA-CAMFT Diversity Committee at DiversityCommittee@lacamft.org.
For: Licensed Therapists, Associates, and Students
Event Details: Sunday, March 12, 2023, 11:00 am-1:00 pm (PT) Time of Check-In: 10:50 am
Where: Online Via Zoom Once you have registered for the presentation, we will email you a link to Zoom a few days before the presentation.
Cost: No Charge
Online Registration CLOSES on the day of the event.
Questions about Registration? Contact Diversity Committee, diversitycommittee@lacamft.org.
Register Here
Barry Davis,Divorce Mediator
Gratitude: The Key to Success
As a divorce mediator, you might think that gratitude is not the first thing on my mind nor the minds of my clients. It’s certainly not easy to be grateful, or even positive, when one is going through something as difficult as a divorce. However, this is why it’s so much more important to actively practice gratitude by searching out things to be grateful for even in the face of adversity. With that in mind, here are the some of the things that I’m most grateful for:
So, what are you most thankful for and how can you use that to help you get through whatever you’re facing in your life?
Barry Davis, Divorce Mediator, Founder of Davis Mediation, has been helping clients get through the divorce process in the most amicable, affordable manner possible for 16 years. His passion is keeping children out of the middle of divorce so they can grow up healthy. As a divorce mediator, Barry holds Masters Degrees in Clinical Psychology and Conflict Management and has served on the Torrance Family Court and Second Appellate District mediation panels. For more information and resources, visit www.DavisMediation.com or Davis Divorce Mediation’s YouTube Channel.
Keonna Robinson, LMFT
LA-CAMFT Therapists of Color Mentorship Program: Call for Therapist of Color (TOC) Mentors
During our “Anti-Racism as a Movement, Not a Moment” Roundtable in August 2020, we came together as a therapeutic community to discuss and address racism and discrimination. We collaborated on what LA-CAMFT can do to be an actively and overtly anti-racist community. We specifically identified needed supports that we as therapists of color and as a therapeutic community wanted to see provided. One of the many needed supports identified was a Therapists of Color (TOC) Mentorship Program.
In January 2021 a group of students, associates and licensed therapists of color formed the Therapists of Color (TOC) Mentorship Program Committee and met on a monthly basis to discuss and begin the creation of this program. The committee spent quality time on the purpose statement, guidelines, interest form, marketing, launch date, and more. The development of the program are the contributions of the following committee participants: Akiah Selwa, Destiny Campron, Jenni Villegas Wilson, Leanne Nettles, Lucy Sladek, Maisha Gainer, Matthew Fernandez, Nehemiah Campbell, Perla Hollow, Rachell Alger, Raven Barrow, Stara Shakti, and Tina Cacho Sakai.
The LA-CAMFT Therapists of Color (TOC) Mentorship Program exists to help address inequities experienced by professional mental health therapists of color and intersections with other historically marginalized groups. The first of its kind amongst CAMFT chapters, LA-CAMFT is committed to ensuring quality mentorship for therapists of color by therapists of color. The mentorship program is intended to help bridge the gap of identifying and creating opportunities for growth and advancement in the field, guide clinicians across various stages of professional development, increase accessibility and sustainability in the field, and assist therapists of color to confidently provide services from their culturally authentic self.
At this time, we are Calling for Therapists of Color (TOC) Mentors who are committed to this mission and more:
Interest Form Due Dates and Mentorship Start Dates:
Interest forms submitted before or after the listed dates above will not be considered during the matching process.
Here are some of the many rewards for being a Therapist of Color (TOC) Mentor:
If you are interested in becoming a Therapist of Color (TOC) Mentor, would like to receive more information and/or receive the Interest Form, reach out to us at tocmentorshipprogram@lacamft.org.
With Gratitude and Solidarity,
LA-CAMFT’s Declaration of Inclusion, Diversity, and Anti-Racism
Psychotherapy can be transformative in a democratic society, and can open intellectual inquiry that, at its best, influences and results in lasting positive change. In recognition of our shared humanity and concern for our community and world, LA-CAMFT loudly and overtly disavows all racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, classism, ableism, ageism, and hate speech or actions that attempt to silence, threaten, and degrade others. We in LA-CAMFT leadership hereby affirm our solidarity with those individuals and groups most at risk and further declare that embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity are central to the mission of our organization.
As mental health professionals, we value critical reasoning, evidence-based arguments, self-reflection, and the imagination. We hope to inspire empathy, advocate for social and environmental justice, and provide an ethical framework for our clients, our community, and ourselves.
We in LA-CAMFT leadership are committed to:
(1) the recognition, respect, and affirmation of differences among peoples
(2) challenging oppression and structural and procedural inequities that exist in society, generally, and in local therapeutic, agency, and academic settings
(3) offering diverse programming content and presenters throughout our networking event calendar, as well as in our workshops, trainings, and special events
While we traverse the turbulent seas of the important and necessary changes taking place in our country, in order to form a “more perfect union.” we wish to convey our belief that within our community exists an immense capacity for hope. We believe in and have seen how psychotherapy, therapeutic relationships, and mental health professions can be agents of positive change, without ignoring or denying that the practice and business of psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy have historically been the cause of great harm, trauma, and emotional toll, particularly for people of color and other marginalized groups. We are committed to doing our part to help remedy that which we have the position, privilege, and/or resources to do so.
At LA-CAMFT events, all members are welcome regardless of race/ethnicity, gender identities, gender expressions, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, disabilities, religion, regional background, Veteran status, citizenship, status, nationality and other diverse identities that we each bring to our professions. We expect that leadership and members will promote an atmosphere of respect for all members of our community.
In a diverse community, the goal of inclusiveness encourages and appreciates expressions of different ideas, opinions, and beliefs, so that potentially divisive conversations and interactions become opportunities for intellectual and personal growth. LA-CAMFT leadership wants to embrace this opportunity to create and maintain inclusive and safe spaces for all of our members, free of bias, discrimination, and harassment, where people will be treated with respect and dignity and where all individuals are provided equitable opportunity to participate, contribute, and succeed.
We value your voice in this process. If you feel that our leadership or programming falls short of this commitment, we encourage you to get involved, and to begin a dialogue with those in leadership. It is undeniable that the success of LA-CAMFT relies on the participation, support, and understanding of all its members.
Standing together,The LA-CAMFT Board of Directors and Diversity Committee
Attention LA-CAMFT Members! 2023 LA-CAMFT Board Meeting Dates
Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes at a LA-CAMFT Full Board Meeting? LA-CAMFT members are invited to attend monthly Full Board Meetings hosted on Zoom.
March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 June 25 (12P – 4P Board Retreat TBD)July 14 August 11 September 8 October 13 November 10 December 8
Online Via Zoom
Voices Publication Guidelines for 2023
Calling all community writers and contributors!
Are you searching for a unique platform to express your passions and showcase your expertise in the Marriage and Family Therapy field? Look no further, as we welcome your input!
Following are the due dates and publication guidelines for submitting articles and ads for the 2023 calendar year to Voices, LA-CAMFT's monthly newsletter:
LA-CAMFT Publishing Guidelines for Voices
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