Los Angeles Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Los Angeles Chapter — CAMFT
Matthew Evans President, LA-CAMFT
Dear colleagues,
After the sad and tragic death of George Floyd, our city and many other cities across the country responded with thousands of peaceful protests calling for racial equity and an end to police harassment and discrimination towards the black community and people of color. Every person, no matter their ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, SES, etc., should be treated with fairness and equality. Racial inequality related to police profiling and harassment is a critical issue, which has plagued our country for generations. How many more people need to be harassed or killed before we make a change? The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. We must become a nation that expresses love and acceptance of our differences rather than hate and aggression. It is the duty of all white individuals to look inward at our own implicit and explicit bias and be more aware of our actions and behaviors towards people of color. It is our duty to stand together to say enough is enough. I stand with the peaceful protesters in calling for an end to racial inequality and systemic oppression not just within law enforcement but in all aspects of life.
Over the past few years, LA-CAMFT has made numerous efforts to address systemic racism and oppression through working with CAMFT leaders and chapter leaders throughout California during our leadership conference; facilitating difficult conversation about race and ethnicity with these leaders and colleagues; shining a light on mental health issues that impact marginalized groups through our monthly speaker series and workshops; and the long standing Therapists of Color (TOC) Support Group. The mission of the Therapists of Color (TOC) Support Group is to provide a safe and brave space for therapists of color to process and heal from their experiences of discrimination, structural racism, implicit bias, racist injury, microaggressions and/or aggression. These support groups are offered on a monthly basis, alternating between Atwater Village, Inglewood, Santa Monica, and Studio City. We welcome any TOC interested in attending these support groups to contact Janaki Neptune at jneptunemft@gmail.com to RSVP.
Best regards,
Matthew Evans, LMFT
Matthew Evans, LMFT, utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in his work as a Primary Therapist in Resilience Treatment Center’s PHP/IOP program for adults.
Matthew may be contacted at president@lacamft.org.
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