Los Angeles Chapter  California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

Los Angeles Chapter — CAMFT

Private Practice Success

01/31/2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous

Maria Gray,

Do you Need a Business Buddy?

Working in private practice can feel isolating. Last year I took an online class and the teacher recommended we pair up with someone to help us achieve our goals. I found the experience of working with an accountability partner to be very helpful, and after the class I decided to find a “business buddy.” I asked a colleague, who is also a dear friend and she agreed.

Our first meeting went very well, and now we meet every month. We discuss lots of topics including our financial goals, work/life balance, clinical issues and marketing. Sometimes we brainstorm about new ways to use Brainspotting or EMDR with our clients.

We are available for each other via text or voicemail between sessions, whenever one of us is having a tough day or in need of a quick consult. We support each other and make every attempt to return each other’s calls as quickly as possible.

I’ve found it especially helpful to connect with my friend when I’m experiencing intense countertransference or when I need to refer a client to a higher level of care. Depending on the situation, I might call or text her before and after I’ve handled whatever issue I am facing. In 12-Step programs, when people are facing a challenging task it’s suggested that they “bookend” the task with phone calls or maybe a call first and a meeting afterward. The term “bookend” refers to two actions that create emotional support before and after a difficult situation.

Is there someone you can call when you need support? Have you thought about having a regular meeting with that person or joining a consultation group? When it comes to finding support for myself; I lean toward more rather than less, relying on others helps me to be able to hold the needs of my clients while taking good care of myself.

Maria Gray, LMFT, NMP, CGP, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Century City, where she specializes in trauma and addictions and leads groups. Maria offers individual business consultation and workshops for therapists who want to thrive in private practice. To learn more, go to www.mariagray.net.

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