Los Angeles Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Los Angeles Chapter — CAMFT
Christina “Tina” Cacho Sakai, LMFTPresident, LA-CAMFT
New and Returning
Allow me to introduce you to new members of the LA-CAMFT Board of Directors, Keonna Robinson, LMFT—Therapist of Color Mentorship Program Chair, Board Member At-Large AND Diversity Committee Member who fills in to co-facilitate the Black Therapist Support Group and Therapist of Color Support Group and returning member of the LA-CAMFT Board of Directors, Jill Landefeld, LMFT‑—Membership Chair AND White Therapist Anti-Racist Group Member.
I had the honor of getting to know Keonna Robinson, LMFT when she applied to be a Therapist of Color Mentor during the first round of the mentorship program last year. Not only was Keonna willing to be a mentor she was also willing to take on 5 mentees in a group. Keonna emailed us with thoughtful questions about the program and shared critical information she was incorporating in her mentorship group.
It was clear that Keonna had a passion for being a mentor. Keonna quickly became part of the TOC Mentorship Program Committee, then TOC Mentorship Co-Chair and now the TOC Mentorship Chair and LA-CAMFT Board Member At-Large. It is with high regard that I share Keonna’s “why” journey to becoming a new LA-CAMFT leader.
Keonna shares her “why” to becoming a Therapist of Color Mentor:
Keonna shares what she learned about leadership through the TOC Mentorship Program Committee:
Keonna shares what leadership role she brings as Board Member At-Large:
I had the honor to first get to know Jill Landefeld, LMFT back when we were both working for DMH contracted Community Mental Health Agencies and attending School Based Mental Health Collaborative Meetings for Service Area 3 & 7. Jill has 25 years of working in Community Mental Health Agencies (Starview, San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center, Hathaway and Aviva), 10 years working in Private Practice and currently works at Trauma and Beyond Psychological Center. For all of you that don’t know, Jill was a LA-CAMFT Board Member and Membership Chair back in the 1980’s where she doubled the Chapter’s Membership in 1 year! It is with high regard that I share Jill’s “why” to becoming a returning LA-CAMFT Leader:
Jill’s “why” to becoming a Returning LA-CAMFT Leader:
Jill’s hopes and dreams with her leadership on the LA-CAMFT Board of Directors:
Special thank you to Keonna and Jill for allowing me to interview you and share your greatness with the broader LA-CAMFT Community! If you would like to get in contact with either of them, you could find them here: https://lacamft.org/Board-of-Directors-2023. If you are interested in leadership opportunities, please email me directly at President@lacamft.org
Hope to connect soon!
Christina “Tina” Cacho Sakai, LMFT
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